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Semoga Bahagia Selalu,Sihat dan Kaya. Ameen ya Rabbal Alameen.Sayang Shikin ....

Friday, February 18, 2011

Emotional Moments

Emotional Moments

Have you ever wondered how to handle emotional moments?

We all have them.  A grown child who you haven’t seen for a while comes for a visit. Then after they stay, he or she leaves. You watch then get in a car, or board a plane, and feel a lump in on your throat, or tears in your eyes.  Your heart goes with them.

You watch a parade commemorating a national holiday.  Sometimes it is the sight of our national flag, or a patriotic song or the knowledge of the sacrifices my ancestors made to come to this country.

Occasionally it is simply passing a young woman or man in uniform as they depart their homeland for distant ports.

Emotional moments.  They are all around us. From the simplest activities of the day, to the familiar voice of a friend over the telephone, or the touch of a child, they come again and again and deep knocking at the door.

And so again, the question; What should we do with them?

The answer? Embrace them. Cherish them. Live them in the moment, for they are the silent powerful reminders that love and gratitude bind us together, and that always, what seems most personal is in the final analysis most general,  and that we are all pretty much the same.

Since the beginning of Agel, and with the introduction of  more and more of our incredible Gel products, I have noticed we are having more and more “emotional  moments.”  I read them in emails, hear them through conservations, and witness the joy our Team Members are experiencing as their health often dramatically changes.

A few months ago I was at one of our events.  It had been a wonderful evening with Team Members.  People  were so excited to  be involved  with what Agel was doing.  One young woman had sat silent through the meeting. Then when we were doing  some product testimonials she went to the front of the room .  She told about a severe health challenge her little daughter was having.

She spoke softly and tearfully about how Agel products were making such a difference for her young daughter.  She ended her comments by saying  “Agel products are bringing my daughter back to me.”

No one spoke at first, and then there was an outpouring of love, hugs, and tissues being passed around.  No one was embarrassed, or uncomfortable, or ashamed.

That is exactly how it should be.  In Agel we should be prepared for these moments, for we are literally being flooded with stories from throughout the world. Our business is indeed a people business, and emotion is the glue that holds us together.

Remember, this is why you do what you do.
This is why you joined Agel.
This is why you keep asking.
This is why you face rejection.
This is why you keep picking up the phone, make  that presentations, and travel those miles.

It is in those moments, those shining wonderful emotional moments that remind us that we really are making such a difference.

So… when they come, as they will, hold your breath, and with gratitude, take in the wonder.

I am Craig Bradley and I am Agel…

:)sayangi diri anda...salam sayang..sayang selalu....Sayang Shikin

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Ya Allah ...makhbulkanlah impianku.

Ya Allah ...makhbulkanlah impianku.
Ya Allah Kurniakanlah kerinduan untuk bertemu dengan Mu dan kenikmatan memandang wajahMU. Pandanglah aku hambaMu yang hina ini. Ya ArhamarrRohim.Amin Ya Robbal Alamin..in