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Semoga Bahagia Selalu,Sihat dan Kaya. Ameen ya Rabbal Alameen.Sayang Shikin ....

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Together Our New Yoke@Tony

Hello Sweetheart

How are you doing today? I want to tell you that today is the happiest day in my life ever because I met you before I celebrate my birthday. I was up in the night thinking all about you and how to present our love to God to build a stronger emotions in our heart.

I woke up today in the morning and I prayed and said to the almighty creator to help me nurture this relationship to yield and very good fruit in our lives. I trusted that my prayers was accepted because before I could say Amen, I heard a sweet voice from the sky and that told my heart that you are with me.

So good as never before I never feel like eating anything. I was filled with joy and I was seeing and imagining faces from all angles smiling at me. This made me start feeling like the king and I smiled back with open heart. Today marks a great day in my life and I will life and never forget this great date marked in this great year in this great relationship made for the greatest people**ME AND YOU**

I recognize without doubt that what God has put together there is no enemy that can come between and this I claimed that no air can pass between us in this our relationship that is filled with happiness, surrounded by love and furnished by the heavenly roses. Thank you for being here for me because without you there will be no happiness. Love without ingredient is like ocean without fishes. I guess you know that without love there is no existence of life and because god loves us he made us so that we can make others.

I like to sound like a spiritual teachers and I like the words of wisdom. I wish God will give me wisdom as he gave Solomon because with wisdom you can make things to happen in their original ways but with love you can move mountain.

Sweetheart, God has given us the power to move mountain so what are we waiting for?? I woke with faith, love and trust and these are my tools to operate and if taken from me I will loose my treasure which is you but these tool has been in the most secured bank with a good security code. The bank I stored our love cannot be stolen and I am ready to be paying the interest accrued by the deposit securities. Lol

Well my sweetheart @11:30 I got a call from my friend Bastos because here I relate with him and he took me as a best friend. He was so concerned about my lady and I told him that you are not here physically but in the spirit you are the chief celebrant and he laughed. I went with my few friends about 3 with their wives **Martin and Peter/Jude and Bastos**

I hosted this gathering in the Carnival city and we had fun for 4 hours. I was not relaxed with the whole fun because I was truly missing you when ever I stand up to make a dance move. I felt like I must stand with you and dance. I was wished happy 44yrs today and my love life celebrated in a special way.

Thank you for accepting my and I vow today to be a guardian angel to your heart and my love for you will be forever. I was so happy when you called me in the morning and you made a beautiful song for me with your friends. And also the café made me fall in love and I was so excited that you made me proud my wife.

I really miss you.

You are my wonderful and lovely sweetheart and I will cherish you forever

Thanks and more love

Together Our New Yoke@Tony

Your Husband
:)sayangi diri anda...salam sayang..sayang selalu....Shikin berkongsi bukan untuk dinilai atau dikeji...ikhlas luahan hati Sayang Shikin

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Ya Allah ...makhbulkanlah impianku.

Ya Allah ...makhbulkanlah impianku.
Ya Allah Kurniakanlah kerinduan untuk bertemu dengan Mu dan kenikmatan memandang wajahMU. Pandanglah aku hambaMu yang hina ini. Ya ArhamarrRohim.Amin Ya Robbal Alamin..in