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Semoga Bahagia Selalu,Sihat dan Kaya. Ameen ya Rabbal Alameen.Sayang Shikin ....

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Their My Self......................from me

Dear Body,

First, let me say that I’m sorry I continuously call you fat. You’re not, I promise. It’s not your fault I was too blinded not to know how great you really are.

You always let me know when I’m not treating you right. I appreciate your honesty. It’s rare these days, you know.

You have your weaknesses- you now, the major one we rarely talk about with anyone- but overall, your strengths far outnumber them. Thanks for sticking with me all this time.

Hair, Oh, hair. You too beautiful. I hope you know that. You always have a way of making me feel better. Thanks for cooperating with me almost every morning. You don’t even know how great it makes me feel to start my day off with us working together. I’m sorry that I’ve practically killed you on when I fail in my life more than one time.. And I’m REALLY sorry that I cut you short but when you  becomes long i will  cut  you  back. You take it like a champion. Every time.

Hands, I owe you everything. There is no way I would be where I am in my life without your fingers guiding pencils across paper and keyboards the way they do. You were my ticket out of a place I felt was suffocating me. You didn’t let me down. Thanks, Hands. I owe you one. I’m really sorry about that “un-photogenic-fat-stubby” comment. It’s not really true.

Feet! I’m sorry I don’t let too many people see you because of scar's. You’re pretty nice actually. I know I get frustrated when I can’t find the shoes I want in the right size because you’re bigger than most people’s, but hey, you know what they say: People with big feet have a solid foundation. Thanks for giving me that. We’ve been through some good times together… and some not so good times. Do you remember that time we ran away and  walk alone  in London,Prague and Barcelona? I do. You were so tired that day. Do you remember how much trouble we got into? Yeah, that wasn’t fun. Let’s not do that again… No, I’m not blaming you. Let’s just not do it again, okay?
Eyes, you’re pretty great too. He always praised  you..You’ve helped me so much throughout my life. I’m such a visual person, I would be entirely lost without you. I’m sorry I’m always wishing you were green or blue.Chocolate  is great too. You shine brighter than my mom’s and aren’t brown like my dad’s so I should be happy with you… and I am. You’re soft and yet bright. People can look at you and know exactly what it is I’m thinking. Oh and I’m also sorry that I hide you with my glasses. It’s not intentional. It because we need  it to be clear if  not we will fall together, hehehehehe.

Arms, I’m sorry I accuse you of being flabby. It’s my fault not yours. We’re going to work on that, especially the left arm. You’re going to be sore for awhile and I’m sorry for that in advance. We’ll get you into shape. Don’t fret. I'm sorry  if  hugged the  wrong person...but we always  make  other happy....wish can  hug my  hubby and  make  him feel happy...and always  be together. Dance together  and hold each other with the  great  song. And only  with him.But  I  love  when we hug babies ..there  really  make me feel  bless and happy.

Legs, fuhhhh… you’re long when it comes to finding jeans and stubby when comparing them to other people. But that’s alright, I love you anyway. Overall though I think you’re a great length and strong. Thanks for being my most dependable means of transportation. You’ve never failed me in that regard. We can even find skinny jeans that fit sometimes. Although, I bet you’ve noticed, I’ve been wearing those less and less often. I’m sure you’re glad you can finally breathe again.

Ass, thanks for not getting me into too much trouble, if you know what I mean. Oh yeah, and thanks because you are too sexy make every man look into  you and will  make them  cant sleep. We might have issues then.hehehehe "You  are  really sexy"

Boobs, well I've always been thankful for you. You've kept me thinking I was at least proportional all the times I was fighting with everyone else. You make all the girls jealous and we've seen some boys staring. Thank goodness for you. I forgive you for making it hell trying to find a shirt... you're worth the effort.That  what my hubby always  said it easy  for  him to  handle?  He also cant imagine how  you are..and will always have the  dreams having you.
Nose, You’re really not THAT huge… I guess. I’m sorry about make  you always not comfortable  with balm oil and inhaler  for  cure our flu...Sometimes  you  look  to funny  like  a  clown nose and  a big red nose..Opps  sorry  not  to said something  bad about  you..But you  always make someone love  you  and want  to  have  you....Remember at  we child's age..what  is  that  kissing? Hehehe kissing is rub  two nose each other..... I won’t put myself in a situation like that again...and i will  let other  to rub you accept my  hubby.

Mouth, do you get me in trouble sometimes. Thanks for allowing me to make all those funny faces. You do a pretty good impersonation my friend. You often say things that get a riot laugh out of people. I appreciate when you occasionally make me more likeable and you’re ability to quickly yell a color or state in those “that’s what he/she said” situations. I always have the most fun when you are smiling. And that thing that one guy said about you? It’s not true, not a word. Keep doing your thing. Never shut up and  never  stop  to  smile...but  dont  smile  to  other  men  because hubby will  jealous. You  know everybody  want  to  have you  because every time  you  smile make them want  to come to  you...
Stomach, I’m liking you more everyday. Like I said earlier, you’re not really fat  but  i  want  you becomes  more flate. I’m sorry I can only eat bland foods. You just don’t seem to like the rich ones like Mouth does. If you ever want to change that, let me know. I’ll be sure to try something new, but on your terms, okay? No rush. No really, I like bland chicken. Sorry in advance, you’re probably going to be mad at me soon. Mouth made me eat a lot of western about an hour ago...I  know  I  need  to  have a lot  of fruits and fiber ...ooohhh   but  am sorry  if  I always  to forget about them..Us  hubby  said  he  can handle us  to  become healthy  and  sexy  just  for  him... 

Well Body, that’s about all I have to say. I’m glad we’re still friends and I’m going to work on complimenting you more every day. I’m going to treat you better, love you more, and let you know how much you mean to me. I’m really trying, Body. That negative body image has got to go and  we  must  work  hard  together  to  maintain our self  and as  hubby  said  we  just  flash and  he can carry  us. That  was  hubby promise for us  and we  will  make him busy to manage us. I  love  you my  body.My  heart and  my soul  will  happy  when  you  are in the  great health and  always  be thankful with what  we  have and dont  dreams something with other and you  know  you will  never  get  it.  Thanks for  you my lovely hubby  because you  will have what  other never want...


:)sayangi diri anda...salam sayang..sayang selalu....Shikin berkongsi bukan untuk dinilai atau dikeji...ikhlas luahan hati Sayang Shikin

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Ya Allah ...makhbulkanlah impianku.

Ya Allah ...makhbulkanlah impianku.
Ya Allah Kurniakanlah kerinduan untuk bertemu dengan Mu dan kenikmatan memandang wajahMU. Pandanglah aku hambaMu yang hina ini. Ya ArhamarrRohim.Amin Ya Robbal Alamin..in